Newsletter September 2022

Special Needs

Meeting a child's every need includes professional interventions like Speech and OT, Psychological Counselling, Educational Assessments and support and so on, to bridge learning gaps or remedy challenges our kids face. As an NPO we are so grateful to the many professionals who partner with us, be it pro-bono consults, professional advice/ guidance, staff training, discounts, services and financial donations. Every helping hand has a life changing impact and we are eternally thankful to you for seeing the need and jumping on board. This little girl has gone from strength to strength. Although her developmental growth is delayed, we know that the OT and Physio interventions have empowered us in her day to day stimulation and care and we have seen her go from completely floppy to sitting, crawling and now standing. We are beyond excited with the results!

After School Time

School days are full and structured so we allow the kids the freedom to do something relaxing to rest the mind or something physical after a day at their desks or afternoon of homework.

Braai Time

In true South African style! A braai is most certainly one of our kids favourite meals and activities. We "hide away" the Woolworths braai meat until we have enough to enjoy a social and family braai. Thank you Woolworths for your generous donations of great groceries!

School Readiness

We have 10 little tots at home during the day while the older 14 children attend "big" school. We run an early childhood development program to ensure the little kids exercise their bodies and minds while having loads of fun and social interaction.

Dear friends

Our AGM is on 7 November. Details can be obtained from me and the invitation is open to every interested party. We would love to have you with us!

We have 2 Dutch Psychology Students visiting us from October until January and we are hoping to have our new German volunteers from November. If you are keen to meet them, host them for a meal/ braai or a day trip to show them our wonderful wildlife, beaches, dams and other places of interest, please reach out to me.

Our kids are enjoying a short break before the last term of the 2022 academic year. Then it will be time for us to prepare for Christmas and New Year festivities and of course stationery and uniforms for "Back to School 2023". Give me a shout to jump on board with any these initiatives please.

Children's brains develop tremendously between birth and 8 years old. As they take in new information, active neural pathways are formed. Uncertainty and trauma can cause children to suffer in a variety of ways. Trauma can affect a person's ability to learn, grow, and interact with others on a cognitive, physical, and social-emotional level. Identifying trauma's impact on young children is a crucial starting point for addressing it. As our children have all suffered various forms of early childhood trauma, the need for interventions is required. If your heart is stirred to help us address these challenges through financial support or pro-bono or discounted services please reach out to me. Our hearts break to see our children struggling and our prayer is to see them fully healed.

Greetings from
Loressa, staff and kids