A Happy Heart
Our school kids went to the skateboard park at the beach during the school holidays. They had the time of their lives! The best part is that I was sent feedback saying our kids were “the best behaved and happiest kids in the park”. Despite having 4 scooters/ skateboards to share between 13 children they played together and shared without any issues! My heart bursts with joy to get messages like this.
Raising vulnerable children is a tough job that is only sustainable by the grace and love of our Father. He gives us daily strength and the wisdom to raise future mighty men and women after His own heart. Thank you Oxley Family for treating the kids to a great day out! We love and appreciate you all!

Imaginations Run Wild!
If we gave the kids half a chance they would choose dress up time as a daily activity. They dress up as characters from superheros to moms, dads and doctors. If one had to measure fun on a “noise-ometer” this activity would win hands down! Thanks to Richards Bay Primary for passing on items to us from your drama department! If you or your school has outfits to add to our collection, I know the kids will be ecstatic to have new choices!

Indoor Sports Party!
A sports themed birthday bash for a soccer and cricket enthusiast. The weather did not tow the line but that never put a dampener on the day! We are blessed to share the property with Solid Ground Church and get to use the youth centre for occassions such as this! Party treats and the most awesome soccer cake, lovingly provided by members of our community, made HIS day extra special. Thank you, you are all appreciated!

The Great Outdoors
iKhaya LikaBaba is situated in between farm lands just 8km from Empangeni. We are privileged to raise our kiddies in a home with wide open spaces with a farm like country feel that is still very close to amenities like medical care, great local schools, grocery stores, a short drive to the beach and a quick stroll to church on a Sunday.

Hello friends of iKhaya
This year has truly flown by! I actually cannot believe that it is time to start preparing for the 2020 school year! Seems illogical hey? But ths is a priority with 16 kids needing supplies. If you are keen to sponsor stationery and uniforms or our Christmas Drive please get in contact with me. Thank you to all who faithfully sow into the lives of our children. You are sowing in faith, along with us, with hope for the bright futures of the children. As we invest today for their harvest in years to come!
With love and blessings
from Loressa, kids and the caring iKhaya team iKhaya