Partnering with APCM, Germany
APCM is a German based organization that has partnered with iKhaya for many years. Through this partnership we have been blessed to host many young German volunteers who give a year of their lives to serve communities around the world.
This month we welcomed Greta, Christina, Sarah and Hannah who will be with us until July 2020. These young adults will knit themselves into our daily lives, both work-wise and socially, making South Africa their home. In this process we get to know and love them while they invest their time, energy and love into the lives of our staff and children. Their role at iKhaya is a huge help to us in running general errands, school trips, collecting and sorting groceries and being a part of our pre-school (kindergarten) program. Having 14 children at school and being home to 25 kids gets BUSY! If you meet them out and about, please connect with them!

At Play!
As parents, we know that the concept of play is very important in a child's physical, mental and social development. It awakens their creativity, helps them come up with new ideas and allows them to interact with the environment and their peers. Play allows children to develop their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength. Play is important to healthy brain development. As they master their world, play helps children develop new competencies that lead to enhanced confidence and the resiliency they will need to face future challenges.
Undirected play allows children to learn how to work in groups, to share, to negotiate, to resolve conflicts, and to learn self-advocacy skills. When play is allowed to be child driven, children practice decision-making skills, move at their own pace, discover their own areas of interest, and ultimately engage fully in the passions they wish to pursue. At iKhaya we ensure that the children are given opportunities to play freely as well as with adult input. We are blessed with wide open spaces, sports eqipment, jungle gyms and a big trampoline to give the kids loads of stimulation and exercise.

Congratulations and Celebrations
We a have a teen in the house! Lulu is maturing and growing up so fast. It feels like she became a young lady in the blink of an eye! Lulu is gentle and caring and loves to love.
She has a heart to serve and as a big sister in the home she is always ready to help the younger kids and staff around the home. For her birthday she had her hair braided and here she wears it with a smile! Lulu aspires to be a dancer or singer, but one thing I know for sure is that she will make a great mommy one day. Join us as we pray for her to continue to develop and walk into all God has in store for her.
Picture Potraits
A picture speaks a thousand words! Our home is always abuzz with chit chatter & singing, fun & games, dress-up, bike riding, play dough and more. We have 14 children in formal school which means lots of fetching and carrying and plenty homework! The preschoolers keep us on our toes as there is never a dull moment with a bunch of babies around! If you want to financially support our mission to make the lives of our kids full or get involved in other ways we would love to hear from you!

We are safe place, a haven, a home to previously vulnerablechildren. Here they call it home, feel at home, loved and cherished. We strive daily to not simply meet the basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, education and health of our children, but rather to provide a loving home environment that is filled with God’s love and guidance. Together with a caring and compassionate community we are able to make our home a true home, and nurture our kids to maturity. So here is a shout out to everyone who plays a part in making a difference for our children. Maybe you have never been personally thanked, but know that God sees you and it warms His heart and He will reward you.
With love and blessings
Loressa, kids and the caring iKhaya team