Newsletter May 2022


Babies understand their world through their sense of touch. From birth to toddlerhood, children learn through all of their senses. In the beginning, though, they rely heavily on one particular sense - touch - because they are unable to communicate through speech. By interacting with various shapes and textures, children can gain an understanding of what objects are and how they feel. Kids get a sense of what things like sticky, prickly, silky and fluffy actually feel like against their skin, even if they can't verbally express what they're feeling, liking or disliking. Here our kids are interacting with nature. The textures of sticks, rocks, mud, leaves, sand, and wet grass are fascinating, and the breeze, drops of rain, and warm sunlight are also great to experience.


Two preschoolers received the "hero award" for being bold and brave and praying in class. We love that our kids get trained at school to pray and seek the Father in all they do.

Birthday Blessings

What a joy it was to celebrate and bless our two birthday princesses with a personal gift, themed cake that not just blows their mind but that touches deep within their hearts. Each child at iKhaya has a gift wishlist that we use to select gifts that will be treasured and that are dearly wanted.The older kids get to choose the theme for their cake and the younger ones we aim to do something according to their interests, favourite toys or their personality. This way we make an impact that says "you are worthy", "you are loved" and shows that we care about each child individually. Please reach out to us if you are keen to join us in blessing a child in this way. We have 2 birthdays in June!

A Fond Farewell

Simthandile served iKhaya and our kids with a smile, a cheerful heart, in love and with endless energy. As an intern Social Worker, with us for a year, Sim crept into everyone's hearts and is going to be greatly missed, especially by our babies and toddlers who she so closely worked with daily. All the best with your new employment and in your new city life.

May you go from strength to strength and spread your love and cheer wherever you go.


Nobody likes doing them, but they got be be done!

Chores help teach our kids life skills. They’re young now, but they won’t be kids forever! Chores help kids learn responsibility and self-reliance. Assigning children regular chores helps teach them responsibility and to take pride in being considered mature enough to take care of themselves.

Chores help teach teamwork through being a productive member of the family. Kids may become more aware of the messes they make if they’re tasked with cleaning up around the house, and more respectful of the work that goes into maintaining a home.
Chores can help older kids and teens build good habits early through juggling their  sports, homework, chores and  social lives thereby helping them to set priorities and manage their time- Important skills for the working world.
Chores can create special moments between children and adults. Little ones who always want to help will feel important and receive a self-esteem boost, and moody teens may decide to open up over a shared task.

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Psalm 22:6

St Catherine's Fun Day

The St Catherine's Fun Day was a total hit once again. Our little kiddies thoroughly enjoy the games, activities, magic show, edibe treats and of course the lunch! Thank you Mrs Brink, Pre-School Team and the PTA for another fantastic FUN day and for inviting, and sponsoring, us to enjoy a memory-making morning with you all.

Dear friends of iKhaya

We had a fun filled, productive month of May! Three kids completed school projects, two are practicing for their KZN soccer tour at the end of June, exams are underway, we celebrated two birthdays and a farewell and we attended the St Catherine's Peschool Fun Day. Makes me exhausted just thinking about it! But all this is made possible through your support and so we say THANK YOU for the many donations of food, clothing, educational equipment and finances that enable our home to function and us to continue to care for the children that so desperately need a fresh start and day to day uplifting.

We are blown away be the responses we received for our education fund. We are all set for the 2 high schoolers for their 2023 academic fees. Tertiary Education fund raising continues should education be an area you wish to sow into.

We are running a school holiday program from 27 June to 1 July if you are keen to lend a helping hand or are in need of community service ours!

Take care
Loressa, staff and kids