Newsletter April 2022

Birth to Five

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

Early stimulation, from birth to 9 years, means the set of actions and exercises that aim to help develop the child’s abilities, whether motor, cognitive or social. The aim is to offer children different situations that allow them to explore and thus stimulate the development of skills and abilities. At iKhaya our babies and toddlers spend the mornings in age appropriate groups doing various activities with the ECD teacher, caregivers and volunteers. We prepare the youngsters for school readiness through our Early Childhood Development Program.

Pre-school Activities

She is ONE!

Celebrating a child's milestone and showing our joy and excitment for the occassion is a way for us to show our children just how proud we are of them, how much we love and adore them and to let them know they are special.

I never grow tired of watching the expression on a one year old's face as they realise that they are the reason for the cake, gift and celebrations and to share in these moments fills my heart to overflowing!

Thank you to each sponsor for loving and blessing our kids on their birthdays.

Netball Stars

Two of our primary school learners play netball as a school sport.

Now that COVID19 restrictions have eased they have been back at practise and enjoying matches against other local schools.

I am so chuffed that sports are back as team sports have so many social benefits besides exercise and fitness!

Rain Farm Adventures

Easter long weekend gave the kids a break from school and an opportunity for an adventure. They were treated to an outing to Rain Farm near Ballito.

Despite the rainy weather they had a blast as the activities were well protected from the elements. A day the kids will certainly remember for years to come.

Thank you to the team who accompanied the kids and for sponsoring such an awesome outing! And to the Rain Farm crew- you guys rock!

Careers Day

To celebrate Worker's Day the Empangeni Christian School invited learners to dress up in a career that they would like to have or that they admire. Look how awesome our learners looked!

Dear friends of iKhaya

This month has simply flown by with all the short weeks and all the activities we had on the go. But all is well! 

Here are the areas that we are focused on at the moment. Please share with your friends and contact us if you are keen to jump on board!

Education Fund
To facilitate our learners in overcoming learning barriers, growing into all God has in store for them and ensuring they have the best educational opportunities we are faced with rather substantial costs for high school. 

Bed Linen
We are keen to freshen up the bedrooms with new duvet covers and sheets. If you have pre-loved and in-good-condition girls, boys and teens linen to pass our way, we will be delighted!

In June we celebrate 2 birthdays. Are you keen to sponsor a cake, gift or snacks to brighten the day? 

Thank you each of you who helps make the work we do easier and possible through your support. We appreciate you and your generous hearts.

Loressa and the team