Newsletter February 2024

Dear friends


Life is busy and full of fun. The very hot summer days have given us opportunities for plenty of outdoor activities, which is great for the kids.

Easter is around the corner... where are the months going to? We are looking forward to the next school holiday and the adventures we have in store for the children! Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for updates and pictures!


Our minds are focused on the plans, goals and futures of our eldest two. It's certainly exciting times for us as we venture into new territory for iKhaya and as we journey with them as young adult school leavers. Your prayer support for wisdom, maturity and the right doors to open will be valuable and appreciated.


Our two office laptops have served us well but have exceeded their working lifespan. If you, or your company, would like to partner with us in replacing them, we would love to hear from you.


Thank you to each of you for sowing into the lives of our kids. Whether it's your time, finances, resources or prayer, we appreciate your support immensely!


With love and greetings
Loressa, staff and kids


“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19v17


Highlights in this Newsletter:


  • New arrival of a bundle of joy!
  • Full recovery after hospitalisation for two kids
  • Birthday celebrations
  • Cupcake decorating class
  • Early Childhood Development updates
  • Tables, chairs, school bags and stationery delivered by Rotary
  • Fresh paint inside and out thanks to the Logos Hope Crew
  • Messy, fun, colourful and creative art lessons with The Peach Palette 

Download the February 2024 Newsletter.